airplane training
FAA Pilot Training Courses (Part 141)
Learn to fly at a Cessna Pilot Center! Whether you are looking to fly for a career or private operation we can help you achieve your dreams. Our fleet of instructional aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art glass cockpit avionics and specifically designed to take you from student to pilot. Our training curriculum includes an industry leading home study course designed around scenario based training. The interactive instruction program works cooperatively with your actual flight experience, preparing you for your next flight before you even leave the ground. At Corsair Aviation, we give you the skills needed to be a successful pilot. Take flight, we teach the world to fly!
Private pilot (ppl-A)
The Private Pilot Certificate is the entry level pilot license from the FAA. This license is for individuals who plan to fly for their personal business and/or pleasure, but not engage in work for compensation or hire. With your Private Pilot Certificate you are permitted to take family, friends, and co-workers on board your own aircraft or the aircraft you are renting while acting as Pilot in Command.

instrument rating (IR-A)
The Instrument Rating is designed to meet the challenges of flying in inclement weather. It is required by the FAA for flying under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Generally this is the next step for individuals looking to pursue advanced training after obtaining a Private Pilot Certificate. Students will train to Airman Certification Standards while obtaining real-world experience flying in adverse weather (when conditions permit). Our rental aircraft are equipped with GPS equipment approved for IFR operations, so students will be able to practice utilizing state-of-the-art navigation and procedures.

commercial pilot (cpl-A)
The Commercial Pilot Certificate is required for individuals who want to fly for compensation or hire. It is the first step to becoming a professional pilot.

Learn more about our pilot training! Call +1 (818) 906-4024