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Cessna Flight Training System

Take flight with the best flight-training program in the industry! With decades of experience, Cessna Pilot Centers have taught more pilots than any other flight school in the country. Our fleet of instructional aircraft are equipped with state-of-the-art glass cockpit avionics and were specifically designed to take you from student to pilot. The Cessna Flight Training System includes an industry leading home study course specifically designed around scenario based training. The interactive instruction program works cooperatively with your actual flight experience, preparing you for your next flight before you even leave the ground. Come fly with us, we teach the world to fly!  

Cessna Flight Training System
Cessna Pilot Center | We Teach The Word To Fly

Sport / Private Pilot Course


Have you dreamt of becoming a pilot? Make it a reality! Cessna proudly announces an all new scenario-based flight training course, developed exclusively for Cessna by the experts at King Schools. This web-based course provides everything you need to obtain your Sport or Private Pilot Certificate. Its been designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to embrace your future in aviation.


DEMO: Click Here

Cessna Sport / Private Pilot Course

Instrument Rating


You planned a great trip to an exciting destination - but travel day turned up overcast and drizzly. You canceled because of weather, again - if only you had your Instrument rating. Now, Cessna Pilot Centers make it easier to accomplish that challenging goal, with a comprehensive program that is rewarding - and downright fun! Once you obtain your Instrument rating, you'll be a safer, more competent pilot. Unexpected clouds will become less daunting, and you'll enjoy flying more - even in VFR! 

Cessna Instrument Rating Course

Commercial Pilot


Even if its not your career goal to be a professional pilot, the skills you will learn in earning your Commercial Pilot Certificate will make you a more skilled and capable pilot. This training course will teach you the substantial skills and knowledge you need to be certified by the FAA to carry passengers and cargo for hire.

King School - Cleared for Hire Commercial Kit

Flight Instructor


You'll learn all the subject areas you need to become a knowledgeable and confident flight instructor. Youll pass the FAA CFI exams with ease as you'll be up-to-date with the most current information the FAA wants you to know.

King Schools - Cleared for Flight Instructing Course

Flight Instructor - Instrument


You’ll learn all the subject areas you need to become a knowledgeable and confident Instrument Flight Instructor. You'll pass both the FAA CFII & IGI exams with confidence as you’ll learn from the most current information the FAA wants you to know.

King Schools - Cleared for Instrument Instructing Course

Multi Engine


Multi-Engine Flying covers topics including the theory of single-engine flight, normal and single-engine flying, instrument flying, cross-country flying and preparing for your checkride. This course not only gives you the basic skills for stepping up to multi-engine flight—it polishes your airmanship and helps you make a seamless transition, as you become the obvious master of the aircraft.

King Schools - Cleared for Multi Course

Price does not include tax or enrollment fees.

CPC students earn their wings about 30 percent faster than the national average!

Learn more about our pilot training!     Call +1 (818) 906-4024

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